“Constructing a charger showing phenomenon of transmission line”

“Constructing a charger showing phenomenon of transmission line”
1          Objective:
The objective of this experiment is to study the characteristics of transmission line using a charger.
2          Abstract:
With the ever increasing role of communications in our daily lives, it has become important
to connect remote sites together to share data and information. One method for providing
links between remote sites is to use transmission lines. Transmission lines are classified as short, medium and long. In this experiment a mobile charger is made to show the phenomenon of transmission lines using some important components diodes, capacitors, transformer, Vero board etc.
3          Introduction:
3.1         Transmission Lines:
A conductor or conductors designed to carry electricity or an electrical signal over large distances with minimum losses and distortion. A system of structures, wires, insulators and associated hardware that carry electric energy from one point to another in an electric power system. The material medium or structure that forms all or part of a path from one place to another for directing the transmission of energy, such as electric currents, magnetic fields, acoustic waves, or electromagnetic waves.

3.2         Classification of transmission lines

Transmission lines are classified as short, medium and long. When the length of the line is less than about 80Km the effect of shunt capacitance and conductance is neglected and the line is designated as a short transmission line. For these lines the operating voltage is less than 20KV.
For medium transmission lines the length of the line is in between 80km - 240km and the operating line voltage will be in between 21KV-100KV.In this case the shunt capacitance can be assumed to be lumped at the middle of the line or half of the shunt capacitance may be considered to be lumped each end of the line.
Lines more than 240Km long and line voltage above 100KV require calculations in terms of distributed parameters. Such lines are known as long transmission lines. This classification on the basis of length is more or less arbitrary and the real criterion is the degree of accuracy required.
3.3         Step Down Transformer:
Step down transformers are designed to reduce electrical voltage. Their primary voltage is greater than their secondary voltage. This kind of transformer "steps down" the voltage applied to it.
3.4         Rectification:
Rectification is the conversion of alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC). A half-wave rectifier is a circuit that allows only one half-cycle of the AC voltage waveform to be applied to the load, resulting in one non-alternating polarity across it. A full wave rectifier is a circuit that allows full of the wave to be rectified.
3.5         Capacitor:
Capacitor is a device specifically designed to hold an electrical charge. The number of electrons a capacitor can hold for a given voltage is a measure of its capacitance. In its basic form, a Capacitor consists of two or more parallel conductive (metal) plates which are not connected or touching each other, but are electrically separated either by air or by some form of a good insulating material such as waxed paper, mica, ceramic, plastic or some form of a liquid gel as used in electrolytic capacitors. Capacitors are used as filter in rectification or to remove the fluctuation in DC voltage.
3.6         Diode:
A diode is an electrical device allowing current to move through it in one direction with far greater ease than in the other. The most common kind of diode in modern circuit design is the semiconductor diode, although other diode technologies exist.
Current is flown only when diode is forward biased, in reverse biased current is prohibited.
4          Principle:
Charger is operated on the principle of stepping down the voltage with the help of step down transformer
5          Apparatus:
        i.            Vero Board
      ii.            Power Supply (220V)
    iii.            4 Diodes
    iv.            12 V Step down Transformer
      v.            Variable Resistor (0-12V)
6          Circuit:

7          Experimentation:

                    I.            I made all the connections as shown in diagram.
                 II.            Then I gave AC input of 220V to a Centre tapped transformer which provides only 12V, the voltage is made step down.
              III.            After the signal was rectified, I have inserted capacitors so that we don’t get pulses. They act as filters.

              IV.            Then a variable resistor is connected through which we can vary the value of voltage from 0-12 volts.
                V.            I obtained the DC output by connecting a data cable in the female USB port.
              VI.            Then I observed the output in the form of charging of mobile.
           VII.            The LEDs connected in the circuit just show that there is current flowing through the circuit.
Sr. No.
    ( V)
8.5 mA
8. Observations and calculations
Using different resistances in the circuit:


9.     Results & Discussion:

In this experiment Alternating current is converted into direct current to charge the battery of required voltage. Any cell phone is charged using the resulted DC battery. If the voltage is increased to the value of voltage that is required then the mobile gets readily charged and the excess amount of voltage drops across resistor. Capacitor is used as to smooth the DC curve obtained by rectification. power is calculated by varying the value of resistor using variable resistor.

10. References:

a.       http://www.ab4oj.com/atu/vswr.html

b.      http://www.vias.org/basicradio/basic_radio_36_02.html



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