“To construct SR Flip Flop & To Verify its Truth Table”

“To construct SR Flip Flop & To Verify its Truth Table”
1.     Objective:
The main objective is to design and verify the different states of
        i.            SR Flip Flop
2.     Components:
        i.            Bread Board
      ii.            Connecting Wires
    iii.            2 LED’s
    iv.            Battery
      v.            IC for NAND & NOT Gate
3.     Introduction:
3.1.Bread Board:
A bread board is an electronic board into which the electrical components like diodes and resistors are placed. The sockets of bread board are sturdy and rugged. Diodes or other electrical components should be placed without making any damage to the board.
3.2.Integrated Circuits:
A circuit of transistors, resistors, and capacitors constructed on a single semiconductor wafer or chip, in which the components areinterconnected to perform a given function. IC’s consume very little current, generate comparatively little heat, and are far more shock-proof and reliable than the older discrete-component circuits.

An integrated circuit consists of a number of circuit components (e.g. transistors, diodes, resistors etc.) and them inter connections in a single small package to perform a complete electronic function. These components are formed and connected within a small chip of semiconductor material. IC’s can be used as advanced logic gates.
3.3.Light Emitting Diodes:
A light-emitting diode (LED) is a semiconductor device that emits visible light when an electric current passes through it. LED’s convert electrical energy to light energy. In electronics, polarity indicates whether a circuit component is symmetric or not. Being diodes, will only allow current to flow in one direction. And when there’s no current-flow, there’s no light. The positive side of the LED is called the “anode” and is marked by having a longer “lead,” or leg. The other, negative side of the LED is called the “cathode.” 

A latch is a fundamental component of data storage. A single latch can hold 1-bit of data, increase that number by many orders of magnitude and can create kilo, mega, giga, even terabytes of memory. Of course, like most digital circuits, latches are made out of digital logic gates. There are two controllable inputs: reset (R) and set (S), which produce the two outputs: Q and Q(“Q-not”). That’s where the SR latch get’s its name it’s a set/reset latch.
The SR latch comes with a rule, which cannot ever be broken: Q must always be the opposite of Q. These outputs are called complements. Here we made SR-Latch using following way:
3.4.1.      SR-Latch using NAND Gate:
To create an S-R latch, we can wire two NAND gates in such a way that the output of one feeds back to the input of another, and vice versa,
The Q and Q not outputs are supposed to be in opposite states. Here making both the S and R inputs equal to 0 results in both Q and Q not being 1. For this reason, having both S and R equal to 0 is called an invalid or illegal state for the S-R Latch using NAND Gate. Otherwise, making S=0 and R=1 “sets” the Latch so that Q=1 and Q not =0. Conversely, making R=1 and S=0 “sets” the Latch in the opposite state. When S and R are both equal to 1, the Latch’s outputs in their prior states. This is the No Change State. By definition, a condition of Q=1 and Q not=0 is set. A condition of Q=0 and not-Q=1 is reset. These terms are universal in describing the output states of any Latch circuit.
3.4.2.   Gated SR Latch:
It is sometimes useful in logic circuits to have a multivibrator which changes state only when certain conditions are met, regardless of its S and R input states. The conditional input is called the enable, and is symbolized by the letter E.
Gated SR- Latch can also be formed using NAND gates only in a cross-coupled fashion. To accomplish this we need to have an extra input pin called clock for enabling or disabling the latch. When disabled, the previous states remain unchanged. Circuit that uses this type of mechanism are called gated latches. In this case the circuit is called Gated SR Latch. This latch is active low, that is when clock signal goes low the Gated SR Latch behaves as a normal SR Latch. And when the clock signal goes high, whatever the logic at inputs maybe, the output will remain the same unless and until the clock signal goes low again.
SR Flip Flop:
An SR Flip Flop is an arrangements of logic gates that maintains a stable output even after the inputs are turned off.  This simple flip flop circuit has a set input (S) and a reset input (R). The set input causes the output of 0 =Q and 1Q’.  The reset input causes the opposite to happen (Q= 1, Q’=0).  Once the outputs are established, the wiring of the circuit is maintained until S or R go high, or power is turned of to the circuit.
4.     Circuit Diagram:
5.     Experimentation:
1.      First of all, suitable IC for NAND gate is chosen, i.e. IC 7400.
2.      Inserted IC on the bread board.
3.      As there are 14 pins on IC, 7th pin is grounded and a positive potential is applied to the 14th pin via a battery of potential less than 5V.
4.      First Input S of first NAND is given the input with battery and its second input is connected with the first input of second NAND gate.
5.      This is the Enable switch.
6.      Three NOT gates are connected in such a way that input of first is connected with the output of third, while the output of first is connected to the resistance, which is further connected to the input of second NOT and its output is given to the input of third NOT gate.
7.      Second Input R of second NAND is connected with the battery.
8.      Output of first NAND gate is given to the first input R’ of third NAND gate while output of second NAND is given to the second input S’ of fourth NAND gate.
9.      Second input of third NAND gate is connected with the output Q’ of fourth NAND & the first input of fourth NAND Is connected to the output of third NAND.
10.  First LED is inserted on bread board with its positive terminal connected to the output   of third NAND gate and negative signal is given to the other terminal. Similarly Second LED is inserted on bread board with its positive terminal connected to the output of fourth NAND gate and negative signal is given to the other terminal.
11.  Then one by one checked all the five possible combination of S and R so as to verify the different states of Gated SR-Latch. Table is verified and drawn.
12.  Resultant is shown on CRO.
6.     Observations & Calculations:
The different states for SR-Latch using NAND is given below:
No Change
No Change
7.     Results & Discussion:
We have designed SR-Flip Flop using NAND Gates and the different states are verified. We can deduce some main points from this. In the case of invalid state is removed. In NAND gate configuration 0,0 correspond to No Change State.
8.     Conclusion:
Through this experiment we have designed Flip Flop using NAND & NOT Gate and its states are verified.
9.     References:
I.                      http://logic.ly/lessons/nor-gate/
III.                   http://www.ustudy.in/node/3036
VI.                   http://elprojects.blogspot.com/2011/01/gated-sr-latch-using-nor-gates.html


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