“To design & verify truth table of XOR & XNOR Gate”

“To design & verify truth table of XOR & XNOR Gate”
1.     Objective:

The main objective is to design and verify the truth table of
        i.            XOR Gate
      ii.            XNOR Gate
        i.            Bread Board
      ii.            Connecting Wires
    iii.            LED
    iv.            Battery
      v.            3 IC’s
a.       IC 7432 for OR Gate
b.      IC 7408 for AND Gate
c.       IC 7404 for NOT Gate

3.     Introduction:

3.1.Bread Board:

A bread board is an electronic board into which the electrical components like diodes and resistors are placed. The sockets of bread board are sturdy and rugged. Diodes or other electrical components should be placed without making any damage to the board.

3.2.Logic Gates:

Logic gates are the basic building blocks of any digital system. It is any electronic system having one or more input and only one output. The relationship between input and output is based on some logic. At any given moment every terminal is at one of two binary conditions 0 or 1.
Following are the logic gates which we are going to design in this experiment:
i.                    XOR Gate
ii.                  XNOR Gate

3.2.1.      XOR Gate:

XOR gate is a combination of OR AND and NOT gate. The XOR ( exclusive-OR ) gate acts in the same way as the logical "either/or." The output is "true" if either, but not both, of the inputs are "true." The output is "false" if both inputs are "false" or if both inputs are "true." Another way of looking at this circuit is to observe that the output is 1 if the inputs are different, but 0 if the inputs are the same. The symbol of NOR gate is shown below:

The truth table for XOR gate which we have observed is shown below:


The truth table of NOR gate indicates that the output signal is one only for the time when both the inputs are 0.
3.2.2.      XNOR Gate:

XNOR is the combination of AND NOT & OR gate. The XNOR (exclusive-NOR) gate is a combination XOR gate followed by an inverter. Its output is "true"(1)  if the inputs are the same, and" false"(0) if the inputs are different.

The truth table for XNOR gate which we have observed is shown below:
3.3.Integrated Circuits:

A circuit of transistors, resistors, and capacitors constructed on a single semiconductor wafer or chip, in which the components areinterconnected to perform a given function. IC’s consume very little current, generate comparatively little heat, and are far more shock-proof and reliable than the older discrete-component circuits.

An integrated circuit consists of a number of circuit components (e.g. transistors, diodes, resistors etc.) and them inter connections in a single small package to perform a complete electronic function. These components are formed and connected within a small chip of semiconductor material. IC’s can be used as advanced logic gates. Some IC’s description is given below which can be used for logic gates.

Quad two-input NAND gate (four NAND gates)
Quad two-input NOR gate (four NOR gates)
Hex inverter (six NOT gates)
Quad two-input AND gate (four AND gates)
Quad two-input OR gate (four OR gates)
Quad two-input XOR gate (four XOR gates)
3.4.Light Emitting Diodes:

A light-emitting diode (LED) is a semiconductor device that emits visible light when an electric current passes through it. LED’s convert electrical energy to light energy. In electronics, polarity indicates whether a circuit component is symmetric or not. Being diodes, will only allow current to flow in one direction. And when there’s no current-flow, there’s no light. The positive side of the LED is called the “anode” and is marked by having a longer “lead,” or leg. The other, negative side of the LED is called the “cathode.” 

4.     Circuit Diagram:
For XOR:


5.     Experimentation:

To design & verify XOR Gate:
1.      First of all, suitable IC’s for OR, AND & NOT gate are chosen, i.e. IC 7432 , 7408 & 7404 respectively.
2.      Inserted IC’s on the bread board.
3.      As there are 14 pins on IC, 7th pin is grounded and a positive potential is applied to the 14th pin via a battery of potential less than 5V.
4.      Two AND, two NOT and one OR gate can be chosen to build XOR gate.
5.      First input terminal of one AND gate is connected to the output pin of one NOT gate, the input terminal of the same NOT gate is connected with the first input of the second AND gate.
6.      The output terminal of the second NOT gate is connected with the second input pin of the second AND gate and Input pin of the same NOT gate is connected with the second input of first AND gate.
7.      A wire is connected to the first terminal of first AND gate and another is connected to the second pin of the second AND gate to give input.
8.      Input signal is given to the input pins through a battery
9.      Output terminal ( pin 3) of both AND gate is connected to the input pins of OR gate
10.  LED is inserted on bread board with its positive terminal connected to the output pin (i.e. 2 in our case) of OR gate and negative signal is given to the other terminal.
11.  Initially negative signal is given to both of the input terminals i.e. 0 is the input at both terminals.
12.  Hence in result output is 0 i.e. LED didn’t light up.
13.  Then 0 (negative signal) is given to one terminal and 1(positive terminal) to the other. LED lights up.
14.  As we are working with XOR Gate, that’s why LED lights up for only in the case when input pins are different.
15.  Truth table is drawn.
To verify XNOR Gate:
6.      First of all, suitable IC’s for OR, AND & NOT gate are chosen, i.e. IC 7432 , 7408 & 7404 respectively.
7.      Inserted IC’s on the bread board.
8.      As there are 14 pins on IC, 7th pin is grounded and a positive potential is applied to the 14th pin via a battery of potential less than 5V.
9.      Two AND, two NOT and one OR gate can be chosen to build XOR gate.
10.  First input terminal of one AND gate is connected to the output pin of one NOT gate, the input terminal of the same NOT gate is connected with the first input of the second AND gate.
11.  The output terminal of the second NOT gate is connected with the second input pin of the second AND gate and Input pin of the same NOT gate is connected with the second input of first AND gate.
12.  A wire is connected to the first terminal of first AND gate and another is connected to the second pin of the second AND gate to give input.
13.  Input signal is given to the input pins through a battery
14.  Output terminal (pin 3) of both AND gate is connected to the input pins of OR gate, Output of OR is connected to the input of NOT gate.
15.  LED is inserted on bread board with its positive terminal connected to the output pin (i.e. 2 in our case) of NOT gate and negative signal is given to the other terminal.
16.  Initially negative signal is given to both of the input terminals i.e. 0 is the input at both terminals.
17.  Hence in result output is 1 i.e. LED lights up.
18.  Then 0 (negative signal) is given to one terminal and 1(positive terminal) to the other. LED didn’t light up.
19.  As we are working with XNOR Gate, that’s why LED lights up for only in the case when input pins are same.
20.  Truth table is drawn.

6.     Observations & Calculations:

The truth table for XOR gate which we have observed is shown below:
The truth table for XNOR gate which we have observed is shown below:

7.     Results & Discussion:

We have designed XOR and XNOR gate by using different suitable combinations of AND OR & NOT gate. As we have also verified the truth tables of XOR & XNOR gate, we can deduce some main points from this. The total OR & AND logic gates in IC’s 7432 & 7408 respectively are 4, and 6 NOT logic gates in IC 7404. The logic gate whose output entries are 0 when inputs are same and 1 for different input, is known to be as XOR gate. The gate which yields 0 when inputs are different and 1 for same inputs is known to be as XNOR gate. The output of XNOR gate is opposite to that of the output of XOR gate. NOT gate simply inverted the input operation.

8.     Conclusion:

Through this experiment we have designed XOR and XNOR gate and truth tables of XOR & XNOR Gate are verified by using IC’s inserted on bread board along with LED to show OFF or ON status of output.
9.     References:

I.                     http://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/light-emitting-diode-LED
II.                   http://www.allaboutcircuits.com/worksheets/ttl-logic-gates/

IV.                 www.electrical4u.com/exclusive-or-gate/


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